This title is from the lyrics to a Simon and Garfunkel song I can't get out of my head. As we were cruising west, I took this shot from the window of the car! I obviously wasn't driving. He drives and I knit. I watch DVDs too--"Music Man" when we go through Iowa and "Twister" when we go through Oklahoma. I know, I need to get a life.
Speaking of Oklahoma, a tire on the trailer blew when we crossed the state line. The exact same thing happened last fall, when we crossed the state line into New Mexico (opposite tire). Anyhoo, we had to wait for a tire store to open the next morning to have two new tires put on the trailer. Talk about bore city--luckily I was able to pick up an internet signal on my laptop whilst sitting in the air conditioned car in the parking lot.
This side of the trailer lost the fender when the tire blew out. It was just dangling down I-44. Soon, we were off again with TWO new trailer tires and a spare. Goodbye Oklahoma, you are one long state.
Here's another "out the window" picture. It's hard to focus at 70 mph. Yesterday, someone asked me, "Is it hot there?" Seriously--it's summer and it's Arizona. They're calling for a cool down over the weekend. That means it will be 108 instead of 115. Is there really any difference once you hit one hundred degrees?
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